My profile

Sarah Youde (aka monroegirl)
Plymouth, UK.

I love to scrap and I love to stitch. I also love reading, eating and the odd glass of red wine! I only wish I had more time to do all the things I love. Most of my time is taken up looking after a couple of other things I love and they are my two gorgeous children Ben and Charlotte. They ARE gorgeous, I am not biased, I have been blessed with beautiful children which is a good thing because I have such wonderful subjects for my scrapbooking addiction.

I am married to Mark and we will celebrate our fifteenth wedding anniversary in July - we are just as happy now as when we first met. He would rather I didn't spend any money on scrapbooking or cross stitch stash but if I didn't do that I would be perfect and surely that would be really boring! Anyway, this blog is a sort of diary / gallery and I enjoy updating my blog for myself and my family but any visitors are welcome :o)

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Whizz Whirl Crash

Ok , I am a bad Mummy! I got up this morning and got the kids ready for school, this involved the usual amount of rushing around making pack lunches, ironing, sorting hair, doing breakfast - you know the drill. I even managed to get my contact lense in and put on a bit of make-up in order to not scare the other Mum's in the playground. We shot out of the door with five minutes to go and ran down the road. Guess what, the gate was padlocked! It's non-pupil day apparently - well I didn't have a letter about it and the list I have stuck inside a kitchen cupboard showing term dates for the year definitely shows the children go back today! There I was really looking forward to a nice peaceful morning!

So I brought the kids back home and got them out of their uniforms and into some other clothes. I have spent the rest of the morning building one of those marble tower things. I hate doing it, it always falls down and takes ages to put together. Hence, I spent about an hour and a half 'playing' with Ben and Charlotte so I could catch the pieces every two minutes as it fell down! Oh well, it was a good opportunity to take some pics.

As soon as I walked away the whole thing collapsed and Ben has just had a major strop because HE is fed up building it!! Ummmm, I don't actually remember him buiding it yet. So they are now in the kitchen eating their packed lunch. That's one advantage of thinking they had school, lunch was already made :o)

I updated the All About Eve challenge blog this morning with Challenge #10, it's to scrap your idol but this means anyone you admire really whether they are famous, infamous or just your best mate! Who is YOUR idol - pop over and have a look to see what the fab DT girls have created - they are just so talented it knocks my socks off!

Here is mine, obviously it had to be Marilyn Monroe for me.

My online name is monroegirl for a reason, I have always admired Marilyn Monroe - I even had an award winning Marilyn Monroe website a few years ago which I stopped when I changed ISP's and just didn't have the time to be involved in anymore. I visited Hollywood in 2001 for the celebration of Marilyn's 75th birthday and I had such a fantastic time. I met some wonderful people and even got to stay in the Hollywood Roosevelt hotel which is where the very first oscars were held!

And WOW! How lucky am I? Look what my Mum brought back for me from Tenerife....

I love it!

♥ Sarah blogged at 11:51


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