My profile

Sarah Youde (aka monroegirl)
Plymouth, UK.

I love to scrap and I love to stitch. I also love reading, eating and the odd glass of red wine! I only wish I had more time to do all the things I love. Most of my time is taken up looking after a couple of other things I love and they are my two gorgeous children Ben and Charlotte. They ARE gorgeous, I am not biased, I have been blessed with beautiful children which is a good thing because I have such wonderful subjects for my scrapbooking addiction.

I am married to Mark and we will celebrate our fifteenth wedding anniversary in July - we are just as happy now as when we first met. He would rather I didn't spend any money on scrapbooking or cross stitch stash but if I didn't do that I would be perfect and surely that would be really boring! Anyway, this blog is a sort of diary / gallery and I enjoy updating my blog for myself and my family but any visitors are welcome :o)

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New Design Team :o)

I found out last night that I made the Mojo Holder design team. I am so excited, there are some truly great scrapbookers on the team (new and old members) so I can't wait to start creating stuff with them all. I love Mojo Holder because scraplifting someone elses layout is a brilliant way to get yourself motivated if you are stuck in a rut - if you haven't been over there to take part you should have a little look, you won't be disappointed. It really is a great inspo blog which is why I am so happy to be part of it.

Here are the two layouts that I submitted for the DT entry. The requirements were to scraplift two layouts by the current DT members so I have put those layouts on here as well to show you what I scraplifted (Kelly and Jakey please tell me if you don't want your work here).

Fairy Girl

You Rock

It was really welcome news as I spent most of yesterday feeling really bad with a stomach upset, I think it may have had something to do with a curry I had on Saturday night but I am not sure. I feel fine now though :o)

I started to stitch a little design last night that I have been wanting to do for ages. The design is by Judy Dixon of Sew to be Seen Designs - I love her stuff. It is going to be really pretty when it is finished with all the beads stitched on.

Judy Dixon Fairy Dust - Progress So Far

I can't wait to sit down and stitch a bit more tonight. Mind you, I kept stopping last night to play tennis on the Wii with Mark!

♥ Sarah blogged at 13:54


♥♥♥ Thank you for visiting my blog ♥♥♥
