It's our 15th wedding anniversary on Tuesday! Where does the time go?
As I said Mark brought me some presents back from his wanderings which were presents for our anniversary. Well, true to form, he couldn't wait until Tuesday to give them to me so I got them the day he came home. I love my rings, they are so chunky. They are white gold which a love as I am not really much of a yellow gold girl although I do have some beautiful pieces that I love. Ever since about 1993 Mark and I have wished that we had bought our wedding rings in White Gold and now for our 15th anniversary we finally have them (Mark bought himself one as well). The watch is a Gucci and there is a reason for this, Mark bought me a Gucci watch for the first Christmas we were married and last christmas I tried to get a new battery for it and the old battery had leaked into the movement and rendered my watch irrepairable so he has replaced it! Here are the photographs I promised to post, I took them in Mum's garden yesterday whilst playing around with the macro setting on my camera.
My beautiful rings
My New Gucci WatchMy sister Carol came over so it was nice to see her for a little while. The kids played in the garden with Grandad so Mum, Carol and I actually managed to have a bit of a chat for a change.
When Colin (Carol's dh) came to pick Carol up he brought with him a digital aerial for Mark and I so I am looking forward to Mark getting that set up this weekend. I may actually get a decent picture on the tv in the kitchen which is very important and that is the one that I put on when I scrap. I am going to do some scrapping out there tonight but I will have to make do with the fuzzy picture for now as Mark is duty today so he will not be home until tomorrow morning. I think Charlotte is a bit concerned that the 'big ship' is going to sail away again tonight - I keep telling her Daddy will be home tomorrow but she is a bit unsure about it all.
We are going to the
China Fleet Club tomorrow. We became full members last week and it is absolutely fabulous for the kids, so many things for them to do. Mark and I also love it over there and I may even start going to the gym one day. There is a little fun zone for the kids which we took Charlotte to the other day whilst Mark went to the gym, I sat in the coffee shop and read my book with a nice coffee - it was heaven. Whilst I was there I noticed that they have wireless internet connection in the coffee shop so when we go tomorrow I am going to take the laptop and browse blogs and forums for an hour or so. When we were living in Hong Kong in 1992/3 we were invited to the closing down party of the China Fleet Club in Hong Kong along with all the rest of the Royal Navy there at the time. It was a great night and the proceeds from the sale of the Hong Kong Fleet Club financed the China Fleet Club that we now attend in Saltash, Cornwall.
China Fleet Club Hong Kong - 1950's