I am definitely on a high at the moment! I have had the most fantastic weekend.
I went to
Tracie Hudson's house (well beautiful cottage!) this weekend to attend the Braunton crop which she runs.
Terrie and I travelled up on Friday afternoon. We made great time but we made a wrong turn and didn't find Tracie's house, we found the pub that we had been to the last time we went up though - funny how we remembered where the pub was! Anyway, we eventually found Tracies house to be greeted by Dylan her dog. Well, I am not really a dog person - I don't hate them but I don't love them if you know what I mean. Dylan loved me!! He would not leave me alone which was quite funny but I spent a lot of time screeching and jumping lol. We met Tracies hubby and sons, they are such a lovely family.
I snagged this pic from Terrie's blog but I think she got it from Tracies lolWe all went to The Rock for our tea and a *few* drinks. I wasn't until the next day that Tracie informed me that the glasses of red wine I was drinking were extra large, a fact I can corroborate based on how I felt on Saturday! We had a good natter and laugh, Tracie and Terrie are great company.
When we got back to Tracies we had a little play on the computer and the set up an kind of assembly line to pack the kits for the crop the next day. I am absolutely amazed that all the kits seemed to be in order when they were handed out on Saturday not only had we been drinking it was very late and I was tired.
The actual crop was great! Tracies class was lovely and I managed to scrap a lovely photo of Ben sticking his tongue out using her layout idea. The Shimelle book was also really good but I haven't finished the cover yet. Alison Docherty (Scrapbook Inspirations) was there and taught a brilliant maze book - the best I have seen because it is bound like a proper little book, it is just gorgeous. The other class was also by Alison and was a really pretty layout that used Fancy Pants chipboard flowers as a template to cut the flowers out of patterned paper and included some stitching up the stems. Even though I was suffering for most of the day I had a really good time :)
Alison's Class Layout
Tracie's Class Layout
Alison's Maze Book Class
Shimelle's Mini Book ClassOh and Tracie made me a gorgeous bead!!! She's a clever b****r that one!
Polka Dot Bead by TracieAll in all I have had a great time this weekend, I met great people, ate, drank and chatted loads. Quite simply I had fun!
And yes I do miss Mark but I am determined to have a good time while he is away and not wallow in self pity and become depressed like I have during so many of his previously deployments! I am keeping busy and passing the time, so far it is flying by so that is great!